Le thème de cette oeuvre réalisée par JANIE ET MARCIO, mis en scène FRÉDÉRIC BÉLANGER, s'inspire d'expériences et de souvenirs évoqués lors de rassemblement autour d'une table, où des personnes de différents horizons sont invités à partager. Cette création illustre de quelle manière les souvenirs contribuent à façonner notre identité et à influencer notre perception du monde. 
QUEERTECH helps Queer & Trans folks access the tech industry, advance their career in tech and launch tech businesses or tech enabled businesses. Montrose Studio. refreshed QUEERTECH's existing colors and logo, and added just a bit of funkyness, by creating a whole new universe around the brand.
La Terrasse à Sucre, un projet qui sait mettre l’eau à la bouche! En collaboration avec Mosaic, nous avons produit tous les visuels de l’activation de marque d’Érable du Québec.
Nous avons été mandaté pour concevoir un guide de marque afin de renouveler l'image de la compagnie ASCEND Get Lifted, située à Salem, une boutique offrant cristaux, bijoux et services ésotériques.
De manière poétique et dynamique, SYNTONIE, un spectacle par JANIE & MARCIO, explore l’état d’harmonie possible et recherché avec les sentiments et l’environnement. À travers l’évocation des hauts et des bas de la vie, SYNTONIE est une invitation à réfléchir et à ressentir l’équilibre.
MARCO EMA met en musique des récits aux allures de coming-of-age movies qui abordent habilement le passage à la vie adulte, avec toutes les émotions et les débordements qui en découlent dans une esthétique indie, rock et pop. Montrose Studio. a eu l'honneur de concevoir la pochette du premier opus de l'artiste, en collaboration avec Rosemarie Records. Pour ce projet, une série de stickers ont entre autres été réalisés, à l'image de chacune des chansons de ce premier album OÙ NOS CORPS S'EN VONT MOURIR.
Le deuxième album SABLIER de MIRO, auteur compositeur interprète, reflète une plus grande maturité de l'artiste, tout en conservant ses mélodies accrocheuses avec un son aussi unique qu’inimitable, à la fois hip-hop, R&B, pop et soul, le tout mis en valeur par une conception graphique aux couleurs audacieuses, signée Montrose Studio.
WELL TOLD HEALTH est une compagnie canadienne de suppléments à base de plante + rien d'autre. Nous avons eu la chance de collaborer sur plusieurs campagnes web, avec la création de visuels et de gifs originaux, sur une direction artistique signée Geneviève Lapointe. 
For this special holiday period, Ivanhoe Cambridge wanted to create an engaging and safe experience for visitors to its various properties, and to reactivate the heart of Montreal.
Léa Jarry is a singer-songwriter from Baie-St-Paul, Quebec. With this new album entitled L’HEURE D’ÉTÉ, she opens a door to her poetic universe and to the slices of life that have coloured her deep nature. Her lyrics put forward her vision of love in all its forms, to the sound of intimate and nostalgic country-folk.​​​​​​​
During the Covid-19 lock down, I revisited old sketches that I had realized for a project, which had now been cancelled, to create a new event that will never happen as well! As the year 2020 has been almost fully reprogrammed, I thought it would be ironic and amusing to turn things over and play with the idea of a whole year of arts & shows cancelled. Now let me introduce to you THE NO SHOW, an event that is happening nowhere, with nobody, for no reason.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
BÔCCA is an exclusive performance created for the Monte-Carlo Sporting Summer Festival, in Monaco. We explored what happens when the world of high-flying gastronomy and acrobatics collide. For the occasion, the stage was transformed into a kitchen in the heart of Monte-Carlo Casino, where a brigade of cooks prepped epic dishes and enlightened the senses of the attending guests. To create a unique experience, the scenography displayed gigantic pop-ups which opened after each scene, serving the public a feast for their eyes.
NEXTASY is the innovative laboratory of Group Cirque du Soleil, whose objective is to push the limits of live entertainment by testing out ambitious and promising concepts. The brand plays with the complementarity of humanity and technology as well as mixing elements from the past and future.
A new chapter begins with DIVA, an event which pays tribute to some of the greatest divas of all time. The spirited acrobatics were perform to the rhythm of the songs of the most famous singers who shaped our history, such as Janis Joplin, Celine Dion, Alicia Keys, Dalida, Lady Gaga, Adele and Edith Piaf. After Scalada Stelar, this is the second Cirque du Soleil poster that doesn’t include acrobats, costumes or makeup, but shows the beauty of these legendary icons.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Let yourself be drawn into the universe of the famous Quebec’s band, Les Colocs. In the heart of a dilapidated alley, a gang of dysfunctional eclectic friends reunite every night under the crepuscular light of a streetlamp to bring you into a festive spiral inspired by Les Colocs’s poetry.
Based on George Orwell’s 1984, dive into a dystopian universe that paints a frightening and bleak future under Big Brother - a regime that totally controls its citizens. This explores the obliteration of truth, individuality and liberty in a world where power seeks to control everything. This project explored the strong similarities and the challenges of the freedom we take for granted. It mirrors some of the realities currently that are happening in our present world.
This is the story of a dreamer who has always fantasized what’s hidden in the clouds. On her journey beyond earth, she discovers a vibrant parallel world between sky and earth. For the first time, this Cirque du Soleil poster doesn't illustrate acrobatics, characters, costumes or makeup, but evokes our imaginary in letting us wonder:  "What would it be, if we could fly high enough into the sky, to see the world from another perspective"?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
For this year’s MAC Ball, the theme was the 70’s-80” sliver glam and Andy Warhol’s renowned Silver Factory Centerstage - an audacious and inspiring theme for the special event.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Picnic Club is a fast serving restaurant offering gourmet burgers and milkshakes to students and local customers in the district of Saint-Foy, in Quebec City.  Based on a responsible marketing model, with a social mission, the formula proposed: “Buy a burger, offer a dish to someone who needs it”.​​​​​​​
Kit de Survie is all you need to get through the creative process of a project. In a special black and white double book, texts from Frank Berzbach are readable from the white book to the black book, or separately; you can either read the whole black book, afterwards the white book. This survival kit helps readers gain great advices on how to navigate their personal creative projects and tips on how to succeed. Additionally, in the box, you can find 5 items that are connected to the texts. Find a card, read it, and use the item which corresponds to the number at the back of the card. Enjoy! :)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​